This is a Santa I am working on from a pattern by Patti Culea called 'Merry Santa'. Just have to add his vest and beard and stocking of toys.

This is my best friends pin I got from Shirley in UK! Isn't is darling and the parts are so tiny. I made her one called best friends too but from a Patti La Valley pattern.

This is a bag made by Marilyn. Khris brought it to me. Marilyn was the first place that Khris and Glen visited here in US.
Oh I love your merry santa soo cute,
cheers Vickie
Your Santa is turning out beautiful and Shirley's pin is lovely. You are a lucky lady.
Now if you can tell me which one is you in the picture then I will be able to put a face to the name.
The santa is so cute! Love the fabric you used for his pants cuff. That pin doll is adorable.
The santa is wonderful, fab face as usual. shirleys pin is gorgeous and I love that bag from Marilyn
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